A1obm and its mobile application platform (each a “Platform”) is a platform that allows users (hereinafter referred to as “Users” or “You” or “Your”) to communicate directly with each other, either through direct messaging or through the mobile application itself, without any intervention from a1obm. A1obm recognizes the importance of privacy and confidentiality of personal information. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all products and services offered by a1obm and sets forth how a1obm may collect, use and disclose information about users of the Platform.



When you provide user data to a1obm, you are deemed to have authorized a1obm to collect, store and use such user data for the following purposes:


  1. Verification of the identity of the user;
  2. Processing the User’s registration as a User, providing a log-in ID for the Platform, and maintaining and managing the User’s registration;
  3. Providing customer service to the User and responding to the User’s questions, feedback, claims or disputes;
  4. to facilitate communication between users on the Platform and/or to process users’ transactions on the Platform
  5. to conduct research or statistical analysis to improve the content and layout of the Platform, to improve a1obm’s product offerings and services, and for marketing and promotional purposes;
  6. subject to applicable laws, a1obm (including our affiliates and their designated service providers) may use User’s name, phone number, home address, email address, fax number and other data (“Marketing Data”) to send notices, surveys, product alerts, communications and other marketing materials to User(s) regarding the products and services offered by
  7. when users voluntarily submit user information or other information to the Platform for posting on the Platform through the posting tools, users are deemed to have given their consent to the posting of such information on the Platform; and


  1. disclosing information that is required for any of the above purposes or by law, regulation or policy, or in relation to any investigation, claim or potential claim made against


This Privacy Policy is an integral part of your User Agreement with a1obm, and all capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings to them in the User Agreement.


  1. Protecting user privacy is important to A1obm has taken steps to ensure that a1obm does not collect more information from users than is necessary for a1obm to provide users with the a1obm services and to protect user account.
  2. Information including, but not limited to, username, address, phone number, fax number, email address, gender, date and/or year of birth, and user preferences (“Registration Information”) may be collected at the time of user registration on the
  3. In connection with communications or transactional and payment services or other services you engage through the Platform, information including, but not limited to, bank account numbers, billing and shipping information, credit/debit card numbers and expiration dates, and check or money order tracking information (“Account Information”) may be collected to facilitate, among other things, the sale and purchase and settlement of the purchase price of products or services offered on or obtained through the
  4. A1obm collects and stores details about Users’ activities on the Information relating to communications or transactions, including but not limited to the types and specifications of goods, pricing and delivery information, any disputes, and any information disclosed in a communication forum provided by us and/or other affiliates of a1obm (“Activity Information”), may be collected when communications and/or transactions are conducted through the Platform.
  5. Registration Information, Account Information, Activity Information and Browsing Information are collectively referred to as User


  1. Users of the Platform are required to provide certain categories of User Data (as specified at the time of collection). In the event that Users do not provide User Data or do not provide sufficient User Data identified as mandatory, a1obm may not be able to complete the registration process or offer a1obm products or services to such



In accordance with the relevant laws, Users have the right to view their personal information that is held by a1obm and to ask for an update or correction.



A1obm preserves your personal information in compliance with applicable legislation, for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or as required by any applicable law. However, if a1obm believes it may be required to stop fraud or future abuse, to enable a1obm to enforce its legal rights and/or defend against legal claims, if required by law, or for other lawful reasons, a1obm may keep your personal data on file. Your information may still be kept by a1obm in anonymized form for analytical and research reasons.



To prevent unauthorised access to the Platform, to maintain data accuracy, and to guarantee the proper use of the information held by A1obm, several measures are taken. It is impossible to ensure complete security for any data transmission over a wireless network or the internet. As a result, even though a1obm makes an effort to safeguard the data it already has, it is impossible for it to ensure the security of any information a User sends to it; as a result, Users transmit information to it at their own risk.


COOKIES:- Generally, a1obm use cookies to identify User and enable a1obm to

  1. i) access User’s Registration Information or Account Information so User do not have to re-enter it; ii) gather statistical information about usage by User; iii) research visiting patterns and help target advertisements based on User interests; iv) assist a1obm’s partners to track User visits to the Platform and process orders; v) track progress and participation on the


A1obm employs “cookies” to record particular information about Users and monitor their usage of the Sites. A “cookie” is a little bit of information that is transmitted to the browser of the User and saved on the User’s device. If User doesn’t disable or delete the cookie, our services will be alerted to User visits to the Platform every time User uses the same device to access it, and as a result, a1obm may be aware of User visits and the pattern of User’s usage.


The browser that is installed on the user’s device can be configured to control if and how cookies are accepted. User has the option to modify certain configurations. By using the cookie-disabling option, the user can refuse all cookies, although this may result in more frequent data entry requirements and the inaccessibility of some Platform services.



Users acknowledge and consent to a1obm’s right to disclose and transfer User Data to a1obm’s connected businesses and/or those businesses’ chosen Service Providers.


In order to allow such third parties to sell their goods or services to those Users, A1obm may share User Data with them. These third parties may include, but are not limited to, banks, financial institutions, credit agencies, or suppliers. While a1obm will make an effort to have internal policies in place to protect User Data from intrusion, there is no guarantee that these measures or policies can completely remove the risks of theft, loss, or abuse.


For or in connection with any of the reasons listed in section 2 above, any User Data provided by the User will be retained by a1obm and will be accessible by our staff, any Service Providers hired by a1obm, and third parties referred to in section 3 .



We shall post a revised and updated version of this privacy statement on the Platform to notify you of any changes to it. The revised privacy policy will go into effect as soon as it is posted on the platform. It will be assumed that you have accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy if you continue to use the Platform. User consents to the most recent version of the Privacy Policy applying to any


information a1obm holds about User (as defined in this Privacy Policy and whether or not gathered before or after the new Privacy Policy became effective).

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